hari ini gw lagi bete banget dikantor.. teman2 banyak yang libur...
iseng- iseng nih, gw awalnya searching asal- asalan di google.
eh,,, ngeliat ini:
iseng, gw coba aja... beneran
awal gw join jam 09.28 an,
My Group My Team Potential Income
24 0 250.12 US$
nah sekarang 09.52 jadi segini
My Group My Team Potential Income
45 0 250.225 US$
padahal gw cuma registrasi doank
coba dehhhh
klik ini : http://www.websitetester.biz/index.php?lang=en&ref=561ef7c5c674201da7afefcf4cc7a965
trus registrasi... oh ya, ada bahasa indonya juga booooooooo,,,, jadi ga bingung
selamat mencoba.......
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
boring = ngumpulin resep masakan
hari ini, kantor gw sepi bangetttttttttttttttttttttttt
dua hari ga ngantor, bikin gw wajib datang. dari pada bos gw nyap- nyap.. hahahahaha
plan hari ini sebenernya create harga untuk customer gw. cuma, setelah gw email sang PM, belum ada jawaban. so.... maybe open my email, and read all new email....
finish.... and now, ngapain lagi ya??
jam masih dibawah jam 12. kantor sepii bangetttttt
mirza jadi resaign kemaren kalee.. mba susi,,, hehehehe,,, where are u now mba? big masih cuti
ada juga sebelah gw yang mulutnya rada lemes..... perasaan tadi ada lano,,, dah ngeluncur kemana tuh orang? hahahahaha,,,,
open www.wallipop.com... ehhhhhh ada resep cup cake
a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... kayanya bisa bikin gw betah duduk nih...
and yup.... sorry nda..... bukan untuk copy paste.. gw pengen punya kumpulan resep. siapa tahu, setelah gw jadi grace Dupuy (AMIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN).... gw bisa praktekin resep- resep ini. so .... when he is back to home after working, i can give him a delicious cake....
(mimpi nih ceritanya... hahahahahahahaha) dari pada gw borriiiiinggg,,, ngeliatin ruangan yang kosong, cuma ada bos gw,, pak rachman.... lebih baik gw ngumpulin bekal buat tabungan. hahahahaha.... YANG PENGEN KAWINNNN BOOOOOOOOOOO
so,,, now... maybe i can open www.femina.com, atau tabloid nova....
dua hari ga ngantor, bikin gw wajib datang. dari pada bos gw nyap- nyap.. hahahahaha
plan hari ini sebenernya create harga untuk customer gw. cuma, setelah gw email sang PM, belum ada jawaban. so.... maybe open my email, and read all new email....
finish.... and now, ngapain lagi ya??
jam masih dibawah jam 12. kantor sepii bangetttttt
mirza jadi resaign kemaren kalee.. mba susi,,, hehehehe,,, where are u now mba? big masih cuti
ada juga sebelah gw yang mulutnya rada lemes..... perasaan tadi ada lano,,, dah ngeluncur kemana tuh orang? hahahahaha,,,,
open www.wallipop.com... ehhhhhh ada resep cup cake
a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... kayanya bisa bikin gw betah duduk nih...
and yup.... sorry nda..... bukan untuk copy paste.. gw pengen punya kumpulan resep. siapa tahu, setelah gw jadi grace Dupuy (AMIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN).... gw bisa praktekin resep- resep ini. so .... when he is back to home after working, i can give him a delicious cake....
(mimpi nih ceritanya... hahahahahahahaha) dari pada gw borriiiiinggg,,, ngeliatin ruangan yang kosong, cuma ada bos gw,, pak rachman.... lebih baik gw ngumpulin bekal buat tabungan. hahahahaha.... YANG PENGEN KAWINNNN BOOOOOOOOOOO
so,,, now... maybe i can open www.femina.com, atau tabloid nova....
Cheese Cupcake
80 g mentega
120 g gula pasir
2 butir telur ayam
200 ml susu kental manis
100 g Cheddar Cheese, potong-potong
Ayak jadi satu:
250 g tepung terigu
2 sdt baking powder
¼ sdt garam
100 g Cheddar Cheese, parut
Cara membuat:
- Kocok mentega dan gula hingga lembut.
- Masukkan telur satu per satu sambil kocok terus hingga rata.
- Masukkan susu kental manis bergantian dengan terigu sambil aduk hingga rata.
- Tambahkan potongan keju cheddar. Aduk rata.
- Tuang ke dalam mangkuk-mangkuk kertas.
- Taburi keju Natural.
- Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selama 30 menit hingga matang.
- Angkat, sajikan.
Spaghetti Kuah Salmon Sayuran
250 g spaghetti kering, rebus hingga lunak, tiriskan
2 potong irisan daging salmon, taburi sedikit merica dan garam, panggang hingga matang
1 sdm mentega
1 siung bawang putih, memarkan
50 g bawang Bombay, iris membujur kasar
50 g wortel, potong-potong
100 g kentang, potong-potong
100 ml krim segar
200 ml susu segar
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
1 sdt peterseli cincang halus
Cara membuat:
- Kuah: Tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga layu dan harum.
- Masukkan wortel dan kentang, aduk hingga layu.
- Masukkan krim, susu dan bumbu, didihkan hingga lunak.
- Tambahkan spaghetti, aduk sebentar hingga rata. Angkat.
- Taruh salmon panggang di atasnya.
- Taburi peterseli cincang.
- Sajikan hangat.
Choco Chips Cake
225 g mentega tawar
200 g gula pasir
4 butir telur ayam
150 g chocolate chips/button
Ayak jadi satu:
250 g tepung terigu
30 g cokelat bubuk
1 sdt baking powder
Cara membuat:
- Siapkan loyang segi empat 20 cm, semir margarin, taburi terigu.
- Kocok mentega dan gula hingga lembut dan mengembang.
- Tambahkan telur ayam satu persatu sambil kocok hingga larut.
- Masukkan campuran terpung terigu, aduk rata.
- Tambahkan chocolate chips, aduk rata.
- Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan.
- Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selama 45 menit.
- Angkat dan dinginkan.
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
pretty boy .........
I lie awake at night
See things in black and white
I've only got you inside my mind
You know you have made me blind
I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start
( chorus )
Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever love no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you
I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall
You stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time
( bridge )
Oh pretty boy
Say you love me too
See things in black and white
I've only got you inside my mind
You know you have made me blind
I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start
( chorus )
Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever love no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you
I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall
You stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time
( bridge )
Oh pretty boy
Say you love me too
Selasa, 22 Juni 2010
No relationship is running smoothly. The conflicts you and your partner will surely encounter. Many people who survived the conflict in their relationship, but there is also a failure.
Responding to a conflict is not easy. The very first thing that must be faced is to control emotions. Don't let your emotions fire up make you think short. Because you could do something stupid, that you really do not expect.
Sometimes conflict with your spouse can not be resolved with a short time. This is because the emotions of each individual is different. You might have been able to control emotions, until you can think well, but your partner does not necessarily like that.
Give at least one day for you and your partner to calm down and think clearly. Then discuss the problems that is happening.
In the quiet period, shall become the right time to rethink the roots of the problems facing you and your partner. Maybe just behind the conflict, there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and your partner.
Think also of how important he was to you. When your emotions, you may be forgetting, that person is a person you love. Losing him could be more painful than what he'd do.
After rethinking everything and ready to discuss any problems occur. So beranikan lah yourself to see him. Send him a message and meet your partner. Because resolve the problem via telephone is not a good idea, unless you and your partner in a LDR.
From walliop.com
Good article, sometimes emotions are always present in the problem. how to overcome and resolve the problem begins with controlling emotions and thinking calmly.
Responding to a conflict is not easy. The very first thing that must be faced is to control emotions. Don't let your emotions fire up make you think short. Because you could do something stupid, that you really do not expect.
Sometimes conflict with your spouse can not be resolved with a short time. This is because the emotions of each individual is different. You might have been able to control emotions, until you can think well, but your partner does not necessarily like that.
Give at least one day for you and your partner to calm down and think clearly. Then discuss the problems that is happening.
In the quiet period, shall become the right time to rethink the roots of the problems facing you and your partner. Maybe just behind the conflict, there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and your partner.
Think also of how important he was to you. When your emotions, you may be forgetting, that person is a person you love. Losing him could be more painful than what he'd do.
After rethinking everything and ready to discuss any problems occur. So beranikan lah yourself to see him. Send him a message and meet your partner. Because resolve the problem via telephone is not a good idea, unless you and your partner in a LDR.
From walliop.com
Good article, sometimes emotions are always present in the problem. how to overcome and resolve the problem begins with controlling emotions and thinking calmly.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
mes amis
la vie sans amis? waow .. semblait sentir la vie très solitaire. ne peut être rire, plaisanter, partager des histoires sur le bavardage ... Umm si triste... Jeudi hier, classe 1A CCF est terminée. wina, mon amie, offrant photos de l'événement ensemble, avant le début des cours. il y a bimo, kezia, mona, felicia, agatha, putri, nadira et wina. l'atmosphère était si pleine de rire voix. Oui, j'aime beaucoup rire, et d'autres amis qui me suivra à rire.
17H, mon professeur entrant dans la salle de classe. où Hana???.. elle ne venait pas. Hana mon amie, une jeune fille douce portant le foulard et lunettes.
le début des classes, professeur de partager les résultats des tests hier. yippiiiieeeeeeeeeeee ... pas trop mal, je reçois la valeur de 14/20. Je plaisante, taquine mes amis, et dit que si je reçois une très grande valeur. amis choqué. curieux. Ils veulent voir mes notes. Mon professeur a souri. finalement, ils se moquent, quand ils savent ma valeur. mais tout se passa. continuer à A2. lorsque les enseignants de discuter de l'examen hier, mon téléphone a sonné. de Cindy, mes amis dans cette classe. Je suis sorti de la salle de classe et s'assit avec jilli à la cantine. J'ai été très méchant. classe a déjà commencé, mais je manger et de parler avec jilli.
17H, mon professeur entrant dans la salle de classe. où Hana???.. elle ne venait pas. Hana mon amie, une jeune fille douce portant le foulard et lunettes.
le début des classes, professeur de partager les résultats des tests hier. yippiiiieeeeeeeeeeee ... pas trop mal, je reçois la valeur de 14/20. Je plaisante, taquine mes amis, et dit que si je reçois une très grande valeur. amis choqué. curieux. Ils veulent voir mes notes. Mon professeur a souri. finalement, ils se moquent, quand ils savent ma valeur. mais tout se passa. continuer à A2. lorsque les enseignants de discuter de l'examen hier, mon téléphone a sonné. de Cindy, mes amis dans cette classe. Je suis sorti de la salle de classe et s'assit avec jilli à la cantine. J'ai été très méchant. classe a déjà commencé, mais je manger et de parler avec jilli.
elle est cindyelle est jilli
après avoir mangé du poulet champignons nouilles, je suis retourné en classe. 6H 10, heure de la pause, et des photographies recule. hahahahaha ... ri voix très sonore, comme si la cantine est le nôtre
6H 45, le maître entra dans la salle de classe à nouveau, et on est allé aussi à la classe ... Wina demande pour des photos avec l'enseignant.
alors ..... ..... Prochaine.......................................................
alors ..... ..... Prochaine.......................................................
Je sais, cette classe est terminée. mais ensemble avec eux, ne finira jamais. leurs meilleurs amis, des amis qui avaient accompagné mes jours, commence à parler français ensemble, rire ensemble,,,, je l'espère, nous resterons amis, pour toujours
hana, wina, mona, cindy, moi, kezia avec nadira
Une classe complète
moi, jilli avec lesli
Une classe complète
moi, jilli avec lesli
Va me manquer vous tous
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
miss him so much
si je vous avez manqué, je vois cette photo. Il ya beaucoup d'amour vos yeux.
Il ya de bons souvenirs avec vous, beaucoup d'amour, de baisers belle. rien ne pouvait me faire cesser de t'aimer. tu es ma force, tu es mon amour, tu es ma vie.....................
when I missed you, I see this picture. there are a lot of love your eyes.
there are good memories with you, much love, many beautiful kisses . nothing could make me stop loving you. you are my strength, you are my love, you are my life.................
jika aku merindukan anda, aku melihat foto ini. ada banyak cinta dimata anda.
ada kenangan indah dengan anda, banyak cinta, banyak ciuman yang indah. tidak ada yang bisa membuatku berhenti mencintai anda. anda adalah kekuatan ku, anda adalah cinta ku, anda adalah hidupku
Il ya de bons souvenirs avec vous, beaucoup d'amour, de baisers belle. rien ne pouvait me faire cesser de t'aimer. tu es ma force, tu es mon amour, tu es ma vie.....................
when I missed you, I see this picture. there are a lot of love your eyes.
there are good memories with you, much love, many beautiful kisses . nothing could make me stop loving you. you are my strength, you are my love, you are my life.................
jika aku merindukan anda, aku melihat foto ini. ada banyak cinta dimata anda.
ada kenangan indah dengan anda, banyak cinta, banyak ciuman yang indah. tidak ada yang bisa membuatku berhenti mencintai anda. anda adalah kekuatan ku, anda adalah cinta ku, anda adalah hidupku
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
vous manquez
vous êtes ange envoyé du ciel, ton amour illumine comme un phare, Tu es si spéciale everyway, c'est ce qui, vous me faites l'amour tous les jours,Pour que vous sachiez que c'est vrai, que je t'aimerai toujours
you're angel sent from heaven, Your love lights up like a beacon, You're so special in everyway, that's what make me love you everyday, To let you know it's true, that i'll always love you
you're angel sent from heaven, Your love lights up like a beacon, You're so special in everyway, that's what make me love you everyday, To let you know it's true, that i'll always love you
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
1st posting
Yippy i got new blog....now i cant write my own jurnal
hehehe i'm so happy
tks for ms. Nda-niezz created my account as i want..hehehe
jakarta,15 juni 2010
with love,
hehehe i'm so happy
tks for ms. Nda-niezz created my account as i want..hehehe
jakarta,15 juni 2010
with love,
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